The lim-7p::ced-1::GFP transgene from the MD701 strain increases embryonic lethality in C. elegans
Nina M. Zampetti, Kristen A. Quaglia and Lisa N. Petrella
Dopaminergic neurodegeneration in C. elegans cultivated with Porphorymonas gingivalis
Edward F. Griffin and Madeline G. Owens
Redox-Responsive Polymeric Nanogels as Efficient mRNA Delivery Vehicles in Caenorhabditis elegans
Rupali Dabas, Alan Koh, David Carling, Nazila Kamaly and André E. X. Brown
Loss of function in rpms-1 does not enhance phenotypes of rpm-1 mutants
Yue Sun, Daniela Gaio, Bokun Xie, Kentaro Noma, Zilu Wu and Yishi Jin
A ubiquinone precursor analogue does not clearly increase the growth rate of Caenorhabditis inopinata
Gavin C. Woodruff and Kimberly A. Moser
Low humidity enhances thermotolerance in Caenorhabditis elegans
Michelle E. Brown, Diego A. Hernandez-Urbina and Caroline Kumsta
The AFD-expressed SRTX-1 GPCR does not contribute to AFD thermosensory functions
Laurie Chen, Nathan Harris and Piali Sengupta
Transgenerational Sterility of a Transgenic C. elegans: A Cautionary Tale
Zachary Leydig and Judith Yanowitz
Mutation of GLP-1/Notch RAM domain results in a strong Glp-1 phenotype
Sarah L Crittenden, Stephany J Costa Dos Santos, Sindhu Battula and Judith Kimble
Generation of an endogenous auxin inducible degron-tagged SPAS-1/spastin to investigate its targeted depletion in C. elegans neurons
Emily Brown, Samantha Kuszynski, Faith Akoachere, James Feduccia, Lili Malatinszky and Eric S. Luth
Integrator complex subunit 6 (INTS-6) mediates DNA damage response in Caenorhabditis elegans
Cristina Romero-Aranda, Beatriz Sáenz-Narciso, Eva Gómez-Orte, Ángela Metola, Begoña Ezcurra, Olga Calvo, et al., Juan Cabello
The extracellular matrix molecule Collagen XVIII/CLE-1 affects neuronal dendritic spines
Michele Lemons L, Hailey McKillop, Noelia Genao and Michael Francis M
The lim-7p::ced-1::GFP transgene from the MD701 strain increases embryonic lethality in C. elegans
Nina M. Zampetti, Kristen A. Quaglia and Lisa N. Petrella
Dopaminergic neurodegeneration in C. elegans cultivated with Porphorymonas gingivalis
Edward F. Griffin and Madeline G. Owens
Redox-Responsive Polymeric Nanogels as Efficient mRNA Delivery Vehicles in Caenorhabditis elegans
Rupali Dabas, Alan Koh, David Carling, Nazila Kamaly and André E. X. Brown
Loss of function in rpms-1 does not enhance phenotypes of rpm-1 mutants
Yue Sun, Daniela Gaio, Bokun Xie, Kentaro Noma, Zilu Wu and Yishi Jin
A ubiquinone precursor analogue does not clearly increase the growth rate of Caenorhabditis inopinata
Gavin C. Woodruff and Kimberly A. Moser
Low humidity enhances thermotolerance in Caenorhabditis elegans
Michelle E. Brown, Diego A. Hernandez-Urbina and Caroline Kumsta
The AFD-expressed SRTX-1 GPCR does not contribute to AFD thermosensory functions
Laurie Chen, Nathan Harris and Piali Sengupta
Transgenerational Sterility of a Transgenic C. elegans: A Cautionary Tale
Zachary Leydig and Judith Yanowitz
Mutation of GLP-1/Notch RAM domain results in a strong Glp-1 phenotype
Sarah L Crittenden, Stephany J Costa Dos Santos, Sindhu Battula and Judith Kimble
Generation of an endogenous auxin inducible degron-tagged SPAS-1/spastin to investigate its targeted depletion in C. elegans neurons
Emily Brown, Samantha Kuszynski, Faith Akoachere, James Feduccia, Lili Malatinszky and Eric S. Luth
Integrator complex subunit 6 (INTS-6) mediates DNA damage response in Caenorhabditis elegans
Cristina Romero-Aranda, Beatriz Sáenz-Narciso, Eva Gómez-Orte, Ángela Metola, Begoña Ezcurra, Olga Calvo, et al., Juan Cabello
The extracellular matrix molecule Collagen XVIII/CLE-1 affects neuronal dendritic spines
Michele Lemons L, Hailey McKillop, Noelia Genao and Michael Francis M